Congratulations Ohio RTs!

Dr. Tricia Leggett, R.T.(R)(QM) from Bowerston, Ohio is being elevated to Fellow status in the American Socciety of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT). Dr. Leggett is director of instructional design and technology for the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. She formerly served on the faculty of the radiologic technology program at Zane State College in Zanesville, Ohio, and was a contributing author to the Radiographic Pathology for Technologists textbook for the fifth, sixth and seventh editions. An ASRT member since 1988, Dr. Leggett served on ASRT's Radiologic Technology Editorial Review Board for 10 years and participated in several ASRT workgroups and committees. In addition, Dr. Leggett’s leadership with the Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists includes nearly a decade of service on its board of directors. ASRT membership will recognize the recipients at the Honors Evening ceremony at the annual governance meeting in Las Vegas on June 22.

Ohio also scored on the 2018 ASRT House of Delegates election. Congratulations to Lucas Gross, M.S., R.T.(N), NMTCB CT, CNMT of Findlay, Ohio as Nuclear Medicine Delegate, Dr. Julie Gill, Ph.D,R.T.(R)(QM) of Ashville, Ohio as Quality Management Delegate, Nicole Douglas, M.Ed., R.T.(R)(M) of Willoughby, Ohio as Mammography Alternate Delegate, and Christine Gialousis, M.Ed.,RT, (R)(M)(MR)(CT) as MRI Alternate Delegate. 

Dr. Nina Kowalczyk, R.T.(R)(QM)(CT), FASRT of Columbus, Ohio was elected as President-elect of the Association of Educators in Imaging and Radiologic Sciences, Inc. (AEIRS). Nina is a prolific writer; in addition to her Fellow status, she holds life membership in ASRT and has held numerous elected positions in national and state-level professional organizations. 

Congratulations also to Po Hu AS,RT(N),CNMT, from Westerville, Ohio. Ms. Hu published an article in Radiologic Technology, titled “Language Barriers: How professional interpreters can enhance patient care.” Dr. Tricia Leggett also published “Getting to the Heart of the Matter: How to Write an Abstract.”

We are proud of the professionalism and dedicated service that these Ohio technologists provide to the profession and in representing all Ohio RTs! 



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