About Us

The Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists (OSRT) represents medical imaging personnel throughout Ohio, advocates for disciplines within the practice and promotes quality patient care.
Radiologic technologists are health care/medical personnel who perform diagnostic imaging procedures and administer radiation therapy treatments. They are educated and certified in the disciplines in which they work. In diagnostic medical imaging, disciplines include specialized work in a specific imaging discipline, such as bone densitometry, cardiovascular-interventional radiography, computed tomography, mammography, magnetic resonance imaging, nuclear medicine, quality management, sonography or general radiography. Radiologic technologists who specialize in radiation therapy are part of the radiation oncology team and are called radiation therapists. In collaboration with a radiation oncologist (physician), radiation therapists apply therapeutic doses of radiation to treat cancer and other diseases. Some therapists advance their certifications in treatment planning and are known as medical dosimetrists.

To promote clinical excellence in radiologic technology.
We advocate for radiologic technologists by advancing professional practice to enhance patient care.
Core Values
- Maintain transparency
- Use data-driven decision-making
- Practice fiscal responsibility
- Uphold professional ethical standards
- Value human diversity
- Respect professional diversity
- Use strategic planning methods
- Provide visionary leadership
- Take intelligent risks
- Set high expectations and see them through
OSRT Business Meeting Minutes
OSRT members may request a copy of any business meeting session held during any annual meeting. To request a copy, contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The OSRT is a very active organization with many volunteer opportunities for its members. It is a valuable way to give back to your profession and share your knowledge and skills with colleagues. Individuals are able to contribute time and skill-sets in addition to monetary gifts to support the mission of the OSRT and the OSRT Education and Research Foundation.
To learn more about all OSRT volunteer committee opportunities follow these steps:
1. Read the Committe Descriptions to see which committees are most suitable for you:
2. Identify which OSRT committees are of interest to you. We recommend selecting two or more. Email your committee choices along with your contact information to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Upon receipt of your email request, a member of the Board of Directors will contact you. Remember, you must be an OSRT member. To join OSRT, click Join OSRT to access the online application form. Service typically extends one year beginning in May 1 and extend through April 30 the following year. If the volunteer form is submitted after May 1, your information will be forwarded to the President-elect for placement on a committee the following year. Your involvement in OSRT's operations is desired and vital to the organizations mission.

On November 12 and 13, 1938 forty-eight x-ray technicians met in Lima, Ohio and signed an Affiliation Charter of the American Society of X-ray Technicians thus officially forming the Ohio Society of X-ray Technicians (Radiologic Technologists).

As an affiliate of the American Society of Radiologic Technologists, OSRT is dedicated to the development of the Radiologic Science profession, including the advancement of radiologic technology, the establishment and maintenance of high standards of education, the elevation of the quality of patient care and the improvement of the welfare and socio-economics of radiologic technologists. Read more about ASRT, click ASRT®

The internal management and organizational operations of the OSRT are guided by its ByLaws.

OSRT Executive Board of Directors

Senior Board Chair
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Junior Board Chair
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O.S.R.T. Directors At Large
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Parker Bishop, Student Director
OSRT Board Appointees

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Recording Secretary

Lauren Huffman
Operations Manager
Angie Arnold

Denise Moore

The Cardinal Rays newsletter is the OSRT’s way to communicate relevant and valuable current information. A link to Cardinal Rays is emailed on a bi-monthly basis. It is also available from this page for visitors to access. Please feel free to contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with any feedback or suggestions that you have for Cardinal Rays.
Contact Us
Web Editor
Web Editor
OSRT Executive Office
Lauren Huffman, Operations Manager
President OSRT
OSRT President