OSRT Student Trustee Program

The deadline has been exteended to February 15, 2024! Apply now!

The Student Trustee Application process is detailed below and the application must be submitted online no later than May 1 to be considered for selection. Applications will be reviewed and ranked by the Board of Trustees using a scoring rubric. The highest scoring student will be chosen for the position to serve as a member of the Board for one full year and will be notified by May 15. The term of service for the Student Trustee will be from April 1 through March 31. The Vice-Chairperson of the Board of Trustees will serve as mentor to the Student Trustee throughout their term on the Board.


  • Financial support for educational costs through the $500.00 Student Trustee Leadership Grant
  • Develop and enhance professional leadership skills
  • Active involvement in shaping the future of your profession
  • Establish a professional network with state leaders
  • Provide input and feedback regarding student issues relevant to the profession and the OSRTERF
  • Receive complimentary Student and Educator Symposium (SES) registration and one night’s lodging

PLEASE NOTE: The Student Trustee will not be eligible to apply for any other OSRTERF grant or participate in any OSRTERF sponsored competition.

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Act as a role model for all medical imaging/radiologic science students
  • Serve as liaison between all medical imaging/radiologic science students and OSRTERF
  • Keep informed of issues related to the profession and the OSRTERF
  • Attend and actively participate in Board of Trustee meetings, the Student and Educator Symposium, Leadership Academy, and any other meetings/activities as directed by your mentor
  • Actively engage with the Vice-Chairperson mentor
  • Respond promptly to communication from your mentor or any OSRTERF Trustee
  • With the support of your mentor, attend and participate in the Student Open Forum at the Student and Educator Symposium
  • Contribute, as asked, to mentor the next Student Trustee

Epenses for which the Student Leader is Responsible

  • Transportation to the Student and Educator Symposium and Board of Trustee meetings
  • Some meals during the Student and Educator Symposium

Position Qualifications

  • Enrolled and in good standing as a first-year student in a medical imaging/radiologic science program
  • Completion of at least one (1) full semester or termEnrolled in medical imaging/radiologic science program technical core courses
  • Enrolled in medical imaging/radiologic science program technical core courses
  • Ability to serve from June1 to May 31
  • Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale
  • Program Director recommendation letter via email submission to the OSRT Executive Secretary. This letter should address the following:
    • Program Director’s commitment to support the student in fulfilling the requirements of this position
    • Student’s enthusiasm for the profession
    • Student’s leadership qualities/skills
    • Student’s progress and standing in their program
  • Must be a Student Member of OSRT when submitting the Student Trustee application. (NOT currently a student member of the OSRT? Join O.S.R.T. online before the deadline.

Application Process

  • May only apply for one (1) student leadership program (Student Trustee or Student Director)
  • An official transcript may be submitted, or an unofficial transcript may be submitted as long as it is signed by the program director
  • The application and supporting documents must be submitted online by May 1 to be considered. You will be asked to complete three (3) personal narratives. When completing these writing prompts, do NOT use identifiable information such as personal names, program, college, hospital, university names, or any previous or current employer.
    • Your personal statement should include a brief overview of who you are, your strengths, and how you plan to accomplish your commitment to fulfilling the duties of a Student Trustee. After review of the OSRTERF mission on the OSRT website, what do you think your contribution to this board might entail. How do you plan to manage the time commitment required to serve on this board?
      o Your professional narrative prompt should discuss your reasons for choosing this profession, your professional goals, and how you might achieve these goals.
    • The leadership narrative prompt should discuss your leadership goals and how you plan to achieve these goals.
    • Proofread your personal statement prior to submission
  • Be prepared--the application requires 3 narrative statements, each 200 words or less, about professionalism, your preparedness in meeting the expectations, and issues students in Ohio currently face.
  • The applicant must request an emailed letter of support and acknowledgment from his/her Program Director
    • The words “Student Trustee Program” should be in the subject heading.
    • The email must be sent to the OSRT Executive Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) by the application deadline.
    • It is the student’s responsibility to verify that the Program Director sent the email.
    • If the email recommendation is not received or is received after the deadline date, the student’s application will not be considered.
  • The student and the Program Director will be notified of the student's acceptance status via email by May 15.

Application Check List

  • OSRT student member
  • Student has not applied for the OSRT Student Director Program
  • Currently enrolled in medical imaging/radiologic science program and enrolled in technical core courses
  • Completion of at least one (1) semester or term
  • In good standing with the program as verified by the Program Director
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale (upload a copy of official transcript OR degree audit form with program director’s signature)
  • Application completed and submitted by the May 1 deadline
  • Program Director recommendation emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by May 1

Apply Now

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