
Welcome to all medical imaging technologists and radiation therapists. OSRT is a great resource for learning opportunities and networking. We diligently work to promote the interests of the profession and its members. Through our efforts, we are enhancing the quality of patient care in Ohio by advocating to advance the profession. It is not what OSRT can do for you, it is what you can do for OSRT! Check us out! For questions or information, contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Imagine your name here!
Are you or someone you know passionate about the medical imaging and therapy profession? Please consider submitting a nomination for the Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists Board of Directors. Nominations for Director-at-Large (September - September for a 3-year term), President-Elect, and Technologist of the Year are now open!
Expectations of elected Directors:
- Register and attend the entire Leadership Academy in June, and the Annual Meeting in September.
- Attend the post-annual and mid-year BOD meetings: October, January, & April--locations, dates, and times to be announced.
- Participate in committee work and chair a committee during the term of office.
- Attend assigned committee meetings: held throughout the year and held at the discretion of the committee chairperson--often conducted through phone, email, or other electronic communication methods.
Qualification requirements and more information can be found below:

Ohio Department of Health (ODH)
All individuals looking to pursue and practice a career in the radiologic sciences (ie. Radiographer, Nuclear Medicine Technologist, Radiation Therapist and General X-ray Machine Operator) in the state of Ohio must hold a valid radiologic license.
In 1995 Ohio passed a law (ORC 4773.01 – 4773.08) that requires an Ohio license to practice as a Radiographer, Nuclear Medicine Technologist and Radiation Therapist. The law also allowed a limited scope license called a General X-ray Machine Operator (GXMO) for specific situations (initially intended for practice in podiatrist and chiropractic offices).
The law provided a framework for the license, but the details governing actual practice issues were delegated to the Ohio Department of Health (Bureau of Radiation Safety) to develop and enforce. These are referred to as the “72 rules” because they are in the Ohio Administrative Code (OAC) 3701.72.01 through 3701-72-04.
- 3701-72-01 the chapter (section) that provides Definitions
- 3701-72-02 the chapter that provides Radiologic License Application and Renewal Procedures
- 3701-72-03 the chapter that provides information on Standards for Accreditation of Educational Programs and Approval of Continuing Education Courses
- 3701-72-04 the chapter that identifies Licensees Authorization and Requirements
The "72 rules" are developed by the Ohio Department of Health, which is not a Board of Radiologic Technologists. The rules are extremely important to us as we practice our profession. For example, it is because of rules (and OSRT efforts) that we are legally allowed to administer contrast media in Ohio. Rules are revised minimally every 5 years, and more often if an interested party requests a change. Being actively involved in monitoring and participating in this process are two of the most important roles of OSRT in safeguarding our profession practice.
Your support of the OSRT helps provide “clout” for us to negotiate the issues that we believe are important. There is a huge difference between saying the OSRT is speaking on behalf of the 15,000 Radiologic Technologists in Ohio or saying we are speaking for the less than 1000 OSRT members. Please help us represent YOU and move the profession in the right direction. Join OSRT if for no other reason but to help us help you!
To learn more, use the following resource links to find information about licensure and Ohio rules and regulations regarding radiation and radiation workers:
Ohio Department of Health Radiation 72 Rules: Chapter 3701-72 X-ray Machine Operators, Radiographers, Radiation Therapists, an Nuclear Medicaine Technologists: Licensing and Education Programs

Continuing professional education opportunities are provided for all radiologic technologists (RTs), radiation therapists, and general x-ray machine operators (GXMOs). OSRT's Annual Meeting is a rich resource for continuing education. OSRT is in the process of planning CE events so check back for more information.
Also available are health-related articles from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). These are selected to enhance your personal and professional learning--please note, these posted articles are not approved for CE credit). Read More

The OSRT Education and Research Foundation (OSRTERF) strives to maximize fundraising through innovative strategies in order to offer scholarship, grant, and research opportunities to encourage academic achievement. The Mission of the OSRTERF is to financially support students and radiologic technologists engaged in education and research to promote the highest quality professional practice. The Foundation’s Vision is to promote professional excellence through scholarly pursuits across the medical imaging and radiologic science professions in Ohio.
Grants and Scholarships are awarded on the basis of merit, academic ability and financial need. Applicants may be registered or student technologists/therapists who are members of OSRT at the time of application and at the time of the Student and Educator Symposium and Annual Meeting. If you are not yet a member, click Join Now. For more information about individual grants and scholarships, click Education and Research Grants.

Radiation safety is a set of practices and standards developed and used to promote safety when working with or near radiation. It follows the guiding principle of ALARA or “As Low As Reasonably Achievable.” The OSRT is committed to the education of the public and medical radiation personnel of the potential dangers of radiation. Education includes safe and effective use of ionizing radiation and dispelling common myths regarding the effects and risks.

The American Society of Radiologic Technologists (ASRT®) is the national representative and governing body of medical personnel who perform diagnostic imaging exams and who administer ionizing radiation for therapeutic treatments. As an affiliate organization of the ASRT, OSRT holds a charter agreement and shares a common mission and purpose with the ASRT. OSRT is dedicated to the advancement of radiologic technology, the establishment and maintenance of high standards of education, the elevation of the quality of patient care, and the improvement of the welfare and socio-economics of radiologic technologists. Read more about ASRT®

Let OSRT Work for YOU via Job ConneX!
Published monthly, "OSRT Job ConneX" is a sensible web option for employers to connect to hundreds of OSRT members, technologists, students, educators and other web site visitors. Free employee recruitment postings are available to any Ohio employer. To access employment ads, click link at the bottom of this page after reading criteria below.
To place an ad simply email information identified below. Forward e-info to the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Employment opportunities for Ohio employers may be posted on a 30-day basis free as an OSRT Jobs ConneX service. Jobs ConneX ads are posted and prioritized by date of request.
- Company name
- Address & phone
- URL/Web address
- Name of contact person & email address
- Open position title & description (limited to 100 words)
Current Job Postings:
Mount Carmel Health System | Hospitals and Healthcare in Columbus, Ohio
MetroHealth-Glick Center-Cleveland
You can also find Jobs, find resumes, see employer job posts at