Monthly Archive


Showing 6 articles.
Denise Moore

Stop Senseless Violence

Within our mission to enhance the quality of patient care, the Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists recognizes that excessive police violence, specifically toward the black and brown communities, ... read more..

Denise Moore

Legislative Update-OSRT Working for You

The Radiation Equipment Generating Committee (REC) of the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) met on March 6th, 2020 In Columbus. The OSRT was well represented with 6 members and our legislative advisor, ... read more..

Denise Moore

OSRT Comments on Proposed Amendments to OAC

Good afternoon. As President of the Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists (OSRT), I offer the following comments on the proposed amendments to OAC Chapter 3701-72. The Ohio Society of Radiologic T... read more..

Denise Moore

2020 OSRT Nominees-Your Vote Counts!

The 2020 OSRT Board of Directors and Technologist of the Year Award nominees are presented below. Voting must be completed by February 1. Voting is open to all Active, Life and Retired OSRT membe... read more..

Denise Moore

Notification - Proposed Amendments to External Beam Equipment

Proposed amendments to External Beam Radiation Therapy Equipment Chapter 3701:1-67 of the Ohio Administrative Code are posted for public comment.  Please review the proposed amendments and ... read more..

Denise Moore

Notification-Amendments to Ohio Radiologic Licence Rules

Proposed amendments to Radiologic License Chapter 3701-72 of the Ohio Administrative Code are posted for public comment. Click to read the draft proposed amendments to the rules. Please review the pr... read more..

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