Students are welcome and encouraged to join and participate as a member of OSRT. As a professional society, OSRT is a great resource for learning opportunities, networking, and career growth. OSRT seeks to advance the interests of the profession and its members by advocating and advancing professional practice to enhance the quality of patient care. It is not what OSRT can do for you, it is what you can do for OSRT! Your membership helps support the mission of the society.

- Discounted membership fees for the duration of your active student status in your radiologic sciences program,
- Receive reduced registration fees for the OSRT Quiz Bowl, Annual Meeting and special workshops,
- Networking with fellow professionals across Ohio and the tristate area,
- Eligible to apply for the student leadership development program,
- Participate in OSRT's volunteer program,
- Apply to win an educational grant,
- Compete in the annual scientific essay and poster competitions,
- Receive electronic notification and access to Cardinal Rays, OSRT's bimonthly newsletter,
- Access news regarding Ohio and national legislative activity,
- Open an account with Fifth Third Bank and receive a Visa/Master Card with no annual fee, no charge for purchasing traveler's checks, no charge for notary services, and a debit card with no annual fee
- Earn a 20% discount on OSRT’s event registration fees offered to active and honorably discharged
- Military members and active duty spouses. Click for more details: Military Discount for OSRT Members
- Promote OSRT as your State professional organization in support of achieving its vision and mission.

The Ohio Society of Radiologic Technologists (business division of OSRT) commitment to student professional growth and development is demonstrated through the OSRT Student Director Program. The selected student director serves as an official voting member of the Board of Directors. The board strongly believes that students are future leaders, and the OSRT has a responsibility to help cultivate them as leaders.
This program is open to OSRT student members in their first year of a primary imaging or therapy program. One student will be selected to serve as a board member from April 2025 to April 2026. This period of service helps to facilitate strong relationships, a fundamental understanding of organizational operations, enhanced leadership skills, and a commitment to continued service to the profession. The selected student must also attend the OSRT Leadership Academy in June 2025.
Click the "Continue to Article" link to review more details and to access the online application.

The 2025 ASRT Student to Leadership Development Program (SLDP) offers students a chance to get to know the ASRT, attend educational sessions, and network with medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals. Selected participants will attend the ASRT Educational Symposium and Annual Governance and House of Delegates Meeting. After attending the ASRT SLPD, participants are encouraged to become involved with the OSRT.
Selected participants receive:
- Airfare, housing, and a stipend for meals and other travel expenses.
- An educational program designed just for students.
- An insider's look into the world's largest association for medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals.
- Expanded opportunities for professional growth.
- Three years of continuing SLDP opportunities.
See details and apply now! The deadline to apply is November 15, 2024. Applicants will be notified by December 16. The program begins January 1, 2025.

Being a successful student requires specific skills for learning effectively. The tools below are supplied as resources to help you be a successful learner. Use them to help you maximize your learning experience. We are all students of learning, no matter our age. Managing effective learning skills helps us prepare for successful lifelong learning.

Students enrolled or seeking enrollment need to understand what "Accreditation" is all about. So, what exactly is accreditation? By Webster's, "accreditation is the act of granting credit or recognition, especially with respect to an educational institution that maintains suitable standards. There are basically two forms of accreditation relative to radiology-related programs--institutional and programmatic.
Colleges, universities, and some private associations are eligible to be accredited if they have adopted sound qualities of education and have developed procedures for evaluating whether or not they are operating at those levels of quality. In Ohio, colleges/universities that seek institutional accreditation fall under the auspices of the North Central Assocation of Colleges and Schools, commonly referred to as the North Central Association or NCA. The specific division within the NCA responsible for accrediting higher education institutions is the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
Programmatic accreditation, on the other hand, is a special recognition or credential that is awarded to an academic program that leads to a specific degree or credential, such as the accreditation of a radiography or radiation therapy program. Most Ohio-based radiography and radiation therapy programs receive programmatic accreditation through the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Program-level accreditation is a way to be sure the program adheres to the established Education Standards.